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Royal Gala Apple

ROYAL GALA crossbred from Kidd's Orange and Golden Delicious in New Zealand, 1939-1960.

Features rich in carotene and vitamin A; has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system;
Appearance strong red striped or washed out color, basic color light yellow; smooth, clean shell; blunt to conical shape; medium to small size, ideal for the break or snack; yellow to cream colored flesh.
Flech crisp and juicy.
Taste very sweet and aromatic with a hint of acidity Minimum diameter of 60 mm
Firmness 6, 8 -7, 0
Sugary content (° Brix) 11, 5 -12, 5
Acidity 3, 5-5, 1 g/l
Vitamin C 7 mg