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Pink Lady Apple

Pink Lady originated from the crossbreeding of Lady Williams with Golden Delicious in Australia , 1973.

Features the best of the best apples are selected and furnisched with the Pink Lady® seal of approval – the pink heart-shaped sticker. It’s a symbol of its authenticity and guarantees consistent quality; perfect for snacking, salad and pies.
Appearance A round to assymetrical shape with vivid green skin covered in a pinkish blush that becomes a deeper shade of red where the apple was exposed to more sun
Flech white, crisp, firm and juicy
Taste sweet and very aromatic with many different nuances: honey, vanilla, rose, etc.
Minimum diameter 65 mm
Firmness 7, 8-8, 5
Sugary content (° Brix) 13, 0-14, 0
Acidity 7, 0-7, 5 g/l
Vitamin C 11 mg