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Jonagold Apple

Jonagold crossbred of Golden Delicious with Jonathan was introduced in 1968 by the apple breeders of Cornell University Geneva Station, New York (USA)

Features one of the important apples in the marketplace because of its excellence as a multi-purpose apple. It is a great fresh eating apple that is quite crisp, juicy and full of slightly tart flavor; It is a good cooking apple too.
Appearance two-tone colour with a yellow-green base and red streaks, round-conical uniform shape, smooth
Flech creamy pale yellow, juicy and firm
Taste aromatic with honey-like flavor notes and tangy-sweet thanks to moderate acidity
Minimum diameter 70 mm
Firmness 5, 9-6, 6
Sugary content (° Brix) 12, 0 -13, 5
Acidity 5, 0-6, 8 g/l
Vitamin C 15, 3 mg